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Noticias de la Otra

Repression in Guerrero

Attempted murder against Margarita de las Nieves and Santiago Ponce, widow and brother of Manuel Ponce Rosas, kidnapped, tortured and murdered in Guerrero, in the context of a growin militarization and repression in that state. Interview with Vidulfo Rosales from the Human Rights Center of the Mountain Tlachinollan and words by Javier Monroy of the Taller de Desarrollo Comunitario in Guerrero, in the Encounter against impunity and for autonomous justice

Radio Zapatista

Protesta frente al consulado de Honduras en San Francisco, California

This audio gathers the voices of the demonstration on June 29 in the front of the Consulate of Honduras in San Francisco, California, in protest against the military coup that took place the previous day.

Noticias de la Otra

Continental Encounter against Impunity

Continental Encounter against Impunity and for Autonomous Justice, Caracol de Morelia, Chiapas (Jun 20-21).

Noticias de la Otra

This week’s news

Encounter againt impunity; political prisoners from Chiapas denounce repression; Caravan por political prisoners from Loxicha, Oaxaca, reaches Mexico City; Mega-march in Oaxaca; Member of the other campaign is detained in San Luís Potosí.

Noticias de la Otra

Radio Tierra y Libertad

Report on the situation with the community radio Tierra y Libertad in Monterrey, Nuevo León,and other news (police repression against MOCRI caravan; graffiti artist murdered in Chiapas; land eviction at Ebulá, Campeche; repression of sex workers at Apizaco, Tlaxcala; Encounter by the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, New York).

Noticias de la Otra

Chinantecan resistance in Oaxaca

Report on the struggle for land by the Chinanteca community of Rosario Ibarra in Oaxaca, with an interview with the lawyer Bárbara Zamora, who represents the Fuerza Indígena Chinanteca Kia-nan.

Noticias de la Otra

Solidarity with the prisoners of Bachajón

Report on the national and international mobilizations in solidarity with the political prisoners from San Sebastián Bachajón and the Mexican government’s policy of repression against indigenous communities in Chiapas.

Noticias de la Otra

Political prisoners from Bachajón

Report on the 8 zapatista political prisoners of San Sebastián Bachajón.

Radio Zapatista

“War on drugs” seen from the US side

Special on the “war on drugs” seen from the US side, US government’s rhetoric, and militarization.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

  • News from Chiapas and La Otra
  • Interview with John Gibler about Gloria Arenas and Jacobo Silva Nogales
  • Sixth Anniversary of the invasion of Irak – actions in San Francisco
  • Interview with Miguel Perez on the organization of the May 1 marches
  • Zapatista film: “Corazón del tiempo”