Radio Zapatista

Chiapas no se olvida

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The Other United States

Reports, interviews and programs by Radio Zapatista about the Other United States, the one that moves below and to the left. Listen to them, pass them on, and multiply resistance.

(For an excellent resource on books and articles on an Other History of the US: History is a Weapon)


Aug 2 Relatos Zapatistas Interview with George Ciccariello-Maher on the Oscar Grant verdict, the nonprofit industrial complex, and the Oakland Assembly. English 15 min
Aug 1 Special Special report on the mobilizations against the anti-migrant law SB1070 in Arizona. Spanish
25 min
Jul 25 Relatos Zapatistas Interview/reportback on US Social Forum 2010: interview/reportback with two comp@s who attended the US Social Forum in Detroit. Topics include: the history of the US social forum, capitalism and trauma, alternative media, and the people's movement assemblies (PMAs). English 45 min
Jul 25 Relatos Zapatistas Fourth of July program: "THE TRIAL": complete radio program including reports/discussions on: mexico/chiapas news, US social forum in detroit, liberation of political prisoners from san salvador atenco, oscar grant trial (pre-verdict). English
1:43 hr
Jun 6 Relatos Zapatistas June program by Relatos Zapatistas:
  • News from México/Chiapas
  • Oakland gang injunction
  • Oscar Grant case
  • University of Puerto Rico strike
  • Hunger strike at UC Berkeley
  • SB 1070 & Arizona protests
  • One year anniversary of the massacre at Bagua, Perú
inglés 2 hr
Feb 15 Noticias de la Otra Encounter by the Movement for Justice in el Barrio, New York, and urgent news from Chiapas and the Other Campaign. Interview with Oscar from the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, in East Harlem, New York, about their struggle and the Third Encounter for Dignity and against Gentrification. In addition, important news:
  • Paramilitary aggressions by Opddic against zapatista bases of support at Bolom Ajaw
  • Paramilitary threats by Ejército de Dios to Other Campaign adherents at Mitzitón
  • National and international solidarity with zapatista communities
  • Murder of sex worker in Mexico City
  • March by the Frente Plural Ciudadano in repudiation of the massacre of 16 youths in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
  • Inform by adherents to the other campaign of Valle de Chalco about the floods and request for aid
  • Tlachinollan Human Rights Center in the mountains of Guerrero denounce violence against human rights activists
Spanish 20:15 min
Feb 7 Relatos Zapatistas Interview with the founder of Pirate Cat Radio. Interview with Pirate Cat Radio founder Monkey on the history of Pirate Cat, the recent FCC fine of $10,000, and the unique importance of pirate/community radio. Originally aired on Berkeley Liberation Radio program Relatos Zapatistas. English 15:40 min
Jan 19 Noticias de la Otra Mumia Abu-Jamal faces threat of execution. The US Supreme Court wil decide today on the petition of the Philadelphia court to execute the political prisoner, journalist and former militant of the Black Panther Party without a trial. Spanish 14 min
Dec 30 Relatos zapatistas Report on the most recent actions of the student movement at the University of California Berkeley (and police repression). (Audio by relatos zapatistas.) English 19 min
Dec 15 Relatos zapatistas Student movement in California: In the last months, students, faculty and workers of various campuses of the University of California have risen up in protests and actions against the cuts in education and the neoliberal policies of privatization of public education. In this report, two UC grad students reflect on their experiences during the recent protests & strike throughout the UC system, drawing connections with broader struggles against neoliberalism and in defense of public education. (Audio by relatos zapatistas.) English 21 min
Apr 10 Program Program in English: Special on the "war on drugs" seen from the US side, US government's rhetoric, and militarization. English 27 min
Jan 9 Program Program in English.
  • Community response against the the murder of a youth.
  • Shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland, California, and the emerging movement.
  • Update on attacks and displacement of the people of Lomas de Poleo, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.
English 25 min
Oct 3 Report CR10: Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance, movement in resistance against the prison industrial complex. For more info: Spanish 10 min
Aug 8
Documentary Second part of our special documentary on autonomy, resistence and knowledge production in the academy and the case of professor Manuel Callahan from the Acción Zapatista collective at Humboldt State University. (10 min) English
July 11
Program Program in English (26 min) - Zapatismo in the US:
  • Interview with Joaquín Cienfuegos from CopWatch Los Angeles and Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC) (for more info on Joaquín's case, visit
  • Special documentary on autonomy and resistence in the academy, and the case of professor Manuel Callahan from the Acción Zapatista collective at Humboldt State University.
May 1

May 1 marches in Oakland and San Francisco. Audio with voices and testimonies of the immigrant marches on May 1, 2008, in San Francisco and Oakland. (18 min)

April 2008 Interview

Flor Crisóstomo (Chicago). Flor Crisóstomo, Mexican migrant in resistance against anti-inmigrant policies in the US, neoliberal US policies in Latin America, and free trade agreements, speaks to us from the Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago, where she remains in sanctuary, after disobeying deportation orders from the US government. (6:35 min)
Long version (17 min)

March 2008 Interview Escuela Real Valle del Dragón. Autonomous school in Houston, Texas, based on the principles of popular education, pedagogy of the oppressed, and the anarchist tradition of "modern schools." (14 min) Spanish
March 2008 Interview

Trinity House Catholic Worker / Food not Bombs, Albuquerque, Nuevo México.
Michael talks about the work done by the Trinity house of hospitality, the organization Food not Bombs, the relationship between food and politics, and the inspiration of the Zapatista movement. (9 min)

March 2008 Interview Coalición de Derechos Humanos (Tucson, Arizona). Leliani Clark speaks about the situation of immigrants in Arizona, the increase in deaths in the desert, anti-inmigrant legislation, racism, structural causes of immigration, and the Coalition for Human Rights' ( work with migrants. (12:45 min) English
March 2008 Interviews

Tierra y Libertad (Land and Freedom) - Tucson, Arizona

March 2008 Report

South Central Farm: Documentary on South Central Farm ( with interviews to farmworkers. Brief history of the farm, the eviction, and the current struggle. (11 min)

May 26, 2006 Interview Interview with Rosa Romero at South Central Farm during the Red Alert to defend the farm from eviction, and during a concert in solidarity with the struggle of San Salvador Atenco. Rosa speaks of the history of the farm, how it contributes to build an alternative reality, and the situation of repression and harrassement previous to the violent eviction of the farmers. (7 min) English
February 2008 Testimonies Testimonies of activist groups during a mitote organized by Acción Zapatista in Humboldt, California. English
February 2008 Interviews DQ University. DQ University is the only Indigenous university outside of a reservation in the US. After losing accreditation in 2005, it has been occupied by the students, who are resisting and continue creating autonomous Indigenous education according to the prophecy of the eagle and the condor: uniting Indigenous tribes from north and south of the continent.
  • Chris Yasee speaks to us at DQ about the history of the university, the current student occupation and struggle, and the threats of eviction. (10:30 min)
  • The Longest Walk: Chris speaks of the Longest Walk and DQ Unviersity. (1:30 min)
  • A compañera at Humboldt speaks of the Longest Walk, and of the history and struggle of DQ University, as well as the women's collective Mujeres de Maíz. (4:10 min)
February 2008 Interview Garment Worker Center. Interview with Delia, from the Garment Worker Center ( in downtown Los Angeles. Delia speaks about the work done at the center, its advocacy for workers' rights and worker empowerment through training, awareness of workers' rights, horizontalism and collectivity. (53 min) Spanish
February 2008 Documentary

Rhythms of Zapata: Documentary on the Chicano-Zapatista musical movement from East Los Angeles. (30 min)
(More info)




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Campaign "Thousands of rages, one heart"

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Communiqués by the EZLN
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Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Spanish and Maya Languages Center
Corazón del Tiempo
Corazón del Tiempo

War in Chiapas
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