Radio Zapatista

Chiapas no se olvida

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Radio Zapatista

Radio Zapatista is an alternative radio collective reporting on zapatismo and struggles inspired by zapatismo in Mexico, the US, and the world.


Articles, Essays, Chronicles

ICE raids in San Francisco and the East Bay
If you know someone who's been detained, need to contact an immigration lawyer, or need further information, call United Way (415) 808-4444. For information ICE raids, call the Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition (BAIRC) - (510) 839-7598

Most recent programs and audios

Oct 21 The Frayba Report Civil Mission for Observation of Human Rights and Social Conflicts. The civil organizations that make up the Network for Peace (Red por la Paz) visited the municipalities of Comit�n, Trinitaria, Comalapa and Chicomuselo, in the border region of Chiapas with Guatemala, in order to document the situation of human rights in the region. This program presents their report.
In English / En espa�ol
15 min
Oct 12 Indymedia Police dismantles Radio Proletaria, Tuxtla Guti�rrez, Chiapas / 14-year-old detained. On Tuesday Oct 12 police forces broke into the facilities of Radio Proletaria in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, to tear down the community radio station which for the last 5 years had been working peacefully. At the time, the 14-year-old compañero Carlos Martínez, a high school student, was transmitting; he was detained. The Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center published this bulletin. For more information, visit Spanish  
Oct 11 Frayba Reportaje sobre la lucha de los ejidatarios de Tila en defensa de su territorio. En estos momentos el Magistrado Presidente del Primer Tribunal Colegiado se encuentra a cargo de la revisi�n del caso del ejido Tila, en donde se decidir� si se obligar�a al ejido a aceptar una indemnizaci�n o el estado mexicano tendr�a que reconocer al ejido su derecho como pueblo ind�gena a su territorio y restituirle las 130 hect�reas. Seg�n los t�rminos legales el d�a 15 de octubre 2010, se dar� esta resoluci�n. Es un momento clave para solicitar al Tribunal que proteja el derecho al territorio del pueblo ind�gena Ch�ol de Tila, que se haga justicia y que no se permita que sean despojados de la tierra que legalmente les pertenece. Spanish 4:36
Oct 5 Relatos Zapatistas Special report: anti-fascist student activism in Mexico City. 12 minute special report (in english) about student protests against fascist youth organizations coordinated by local authorities to repress and dismantle student organizing. interviews with students from CCH-Vallejo & Instituto Polit�cnico. English 11:46 min
Oct 1 La Onda Bajita October program for La Onda Bajita.
  • Destruction of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca
  • The Frayba Report: "Sustainable Rural Cities" in Chiapas
  • Repression against social movements in Chile
Spanish 55:13 min
Sep 16 Frayba The Frayba Report: "Sustainable" Rural Cities in Chiapas. English 6 min
Sep 16 Frayba Reporte Frayba: Ciudades Rurales "Sustentables" en Chiapas. Spanish 6 min
Sep 9 Relatos Zapatistas Interview with hannibal shakur and josh wolf on neighborhood organizing in west oakland. English 29 min
Sep 9 Relatos Zapatistas September program:"SEGURIDAD / SECURITY / SAFETY". (Relatos Zapatistas, originally aired on Berkeley Liberation Radio.) English 1:50 hr
Sep 3 La Onda Bajita September program for La Onda Bajita Spanish 54:15 min
Aug 20 interview Interview to community representatives at the "sustainable rural city" of Nuevo Grijalva, Chiapas (full, unedited interview) Spanish 1:15 hr
Aug 6 La Onda Bajita August program on La Onda Bajita Spanish 55:30 min
Aug 5 Relatos Zapatistas Full Relatos Zapatistas show. News updates from Chiapas and Mexico; This Month in Zapatista History; Interview with Anat Shenker-Osorio about the Documentary Presunto Culpable; Report on SB1070 Protests; Interview with George Ciccariello-Maher about the Oscar Grant Case; and the Durito Storyhour. English
1:44 hr
Aug 5 Relatos Zapatistas Interview with Anat Shenker-Osorio, political director of the documentary PRESUMED GUILTY, about Mexico's justice system, the need to reform the criminal trial process, the grave situation of political prisoners in Mexico, and the support the Mexican government receives from the US through the Plan Merida. Spanish 27:30 min
Aug 2 Relatos Zapatistas Interview with George Ciccariello-Maher on the Oscar Grant verdict, the nonprofit industrial complex, and the Oakland Assembly. English 15 min
Aug 1 Relatos Zapatistas Special report on the mobilizations against the anti-migrant law SB1070 in Arizona. News on the 29 July 2010 demonstrations all over the country with a special focus on San Francisco, including interviews with two hip-hop artists: Bocafloja and Cambio. Spanish
25 min
Jul 25 Relatos Zapatistas Interview/reportback on US Social Forum 2010: interview/reportback with two comp@s who attended the US Social Forum in Detroit. Topics include: the history of the US social forum, capitalism and trauma, alternative media, and the people's movement assemblies (PMAs). English 45 min
Jul 25 Relatos Zapatistas Report on the liberation of political prisoners from San Salvador Atenco: after 4 years in prison, Mexico's Supreme Court ordered their freedom. Actions in solidarity that took place during the international action day in support of Atenco's prisoners, including the action in front of the Mexican consulate in San Francisco. Spanish 14 min
Jul 25 Relatos Zapatistas Fourth of July program: "THE TRIAL": complete radio program including reports/discussions on: mexico/chiapas news, US social forum in detroit, liberation of political prisoners from san salvador atenco, oscar grant trial (pre-verdict). English
1:43 hr
Jul 17 Audio European Brigade in solidarity with the zapatistas:
Audios of the interviews made by the European brigade on its visit to autonomous zapatista territory.
Final communiqu�.
Interview by Radio Teocelo to a member of the brigade.
(For more information, visit Chiapas Indymedia.)
Jul 9 Noticias de la Otra Report on the community of Mitzit�n, the roadblock to demand relocation of the paramilitary group Army of God and the background of the conflict. Spanish 15:45 min
Jul 2 La Onda Bajita July program for La Onda Bajita Spanish 53:40 min
Jul 2 Noticias de la Otra Special report: Political prisoners from Atenco are freed, and Mitzit�n (Chiapas) blocks the federal highway to demand that paramilitaries be relocated outside of their community.
(Subscribe to the podcast for Noticias de la Otra.)
Spanish 20:23 min
Jul 2 Testimonios Feminicide of Tatiana Trujillo by husband and former federal deputy for the PRI Elmar Darinel D�az Sol�rzano (Ocosingo, Chiapas). Testimonies by her parents during press conference at Frayba: Spanish  
Jul 1 Audio Mitzitón blocks the federal highway today to demand that the paramlitary groups be relocated out of their community. Listen to their testimony here:
About the road block (1:50 min)
Current situation (1:10 min)
Words by compañero (2:20 min)
Words by another compañero (3:10 min)
For more info, see: Indymedia Chiapas
Jun 24 Cidesi MST, Lula's government and agrobusiness. Words by Bernardo Man�ano Fernandes, researcher and professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista and militant of the Landless Peasant Movement (MST) and V�a Campesina in Brazil, during his presentation at Cidesi/Universidad de la Tierra, San Crist�bal de las Casas, Chiapas.
Escucha en espa�ol / Escuta em portugu�s.
1:15 hr
Jun 22 Ciepac

Report by Ciepac: Integración para el despojo: El Proyecto Mesoamérica, o la nueva escalada de apropiación del territorio
Parte 1 / Parte 2 / Parte 3

Interviews to the author by Frecuencia Libre 99.1:
Jun 15 Noticias de la Otra Report on the caravan Bety Cari�o y Jyri Jaakkola to the Triqui autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, and other news from Chiapas and the Other Campaign.
(Note: The previous version of this audio denounced the invasion of lands belonging to the community of Choles de Tumbal� by the organization Xinich. We clarify that it was the Official Xinich and NOT the true Xinich organization, which is a member of the National Indigenous Congress.)
(Subscribe to the podcast of Noticias de la Otra.)
Spanish 16:30 min
Jun 13 Audios Encounter

Encounter of relatives, collectives, friends and organizations of Political Prisoners
Cideci/UniTierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas

June 12

June 13

Jun 6 Relatos Zapatistas One year anniversary of the massacre at Bagua, Peru. English 7:40 min
Jun 6 Relatos Zapatistas June program by Relatos Zapatistas:
  • News from M�xico/Chiapas
  • Oakland gang injunction
  • Oscar Grant case
  • University of Puerto Rico strike
  • Hunger strike at UC Berkeley
  • SB 1070 & Arizona protests
  • One year anniversary of the massacre at Bagua, Per�
ingl�s 2 hr
Jun 1 Noticias de la Otra Report on Frayba's Annual Report and other news:
  • Cucapa fishermen detained in Baja California
  • Mobilization by Movimiento de resistencia civil contra las altas tarifas de la energ�a el�ctrica de Candelaria, Campeche
  • Armed attack against member of the Movimiento de resistencia civil contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica de Candelaria
  • Agression against members of Frente Cívico Tonalteco and the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center
  • Break-in and intimidations against journalist Laura Castellanos
  • Solidarity actions in Paris
  • Karakola Global convokes to cultural uprising
(Subscribe to the podcast of Noticias de la Otra.)
Spanish 17:20 min
May 27 Frayba Annual Balance of the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center(Frayba)

Summary of the Annual Balance
May 23 Noticias de la Otra One year after the recuperation of the Agua Azul pay booth. Ejidatarios from San Sebasti�n Bachaj�n, adherents to the other campaign, celebrate the aniversary of the takeover of the pay booth at Agua Azul, and other important news from Chiapas, the Other Campaign and the Zezta Internazional. (Subscribe to the podcast Noticias de la Otra.) Spanish 16 min
May 10 Audios
International Seminar "Africa, Asia, Oceania, North America, Mexico"
�Global Crisis and 'Other' Social Movements�
6 May 2010 - Cideci/Unitierra - San Crist�bal de las Casas - Chiapas

First Part

Second Part

Translation: Mojdeh Hojatti

Panelist profiles

May 7 La Onda Bajita Program in Spanish: Reportaje sobre las mentiras publicadas en el peri�dico Reforma. Reportaje sobre el Plant�n Primero Nuestr@s Pres@s. Palabras de Gustavo Esteva en el Seminario internacional sobre la crisis global y movimientos sociales "otros". Spanish 55 min
May 6 Noticias de la Otra Our Prisoners First, Report/summary of the Sit-in Our Prisoners First on May 3 and 4 at the z�calo in Mexico City, with voices of the main participants and interviews. Spanish 21:00 min
May 3 and 4 Audios OUR PRISONERS FIRST, Mexico City z�calo

May 3:

May 4

Apr 28 Noticias de la Otra Report on the lies published by the daily Reforma, with testimony by Leuccio Rizzo, whose photo the newspaper published claiming to be the unmasked face of Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. In addition, latest news from Chiapas and the Other Campaign. Spanish 13:30 min
Apr 17 Other radios Programa Territorios by Radio UdG, about the 27th meeting of the National Indigenous Congress of the Center-Pacific region, celebrated in the Wix�rika Autonomous community of Bancos de San Hip�lito. Spanish
Mar 17 Noticias de la Otra Bolom Ajaw: Interview with the Good Government Council of Morelia. The JBG of Morelia speaks to us about the events on February 6 at Bolom Ajaw, the current situation and the government's strategy to undermine zapatismo while preparing the ground for tourism projects in the region. For more information on the precedents to the current situation, listen to our 1 Feb 2008 documentary with testimonies by compa�er@s from Bolon Ajaw, Nuevo Progreso Agua Azul and 24 de Diciembre. Spanish 15 min
All audios:



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