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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

¿Por qué tan serios? El SupGaleano

Why so serious?

(01001101 01110101 01100011 01101000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100001 01100011 01101001 01100001 01110011 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01100001 01110011 (note: translate binary code)

April 2015.

We didn’t know anything about this kind of thing. We learned. They explained it to us. We understood even less. But later on, “we grasped the concept holistically,” as they say. That is, not at all. But they were saying something about how we had been victims of a “high level” cyber attack. We of course put on our “no problem” face, the one that says “the proper measures will be taken” and “we will pursue this case to its logical conclusion.” But really, we were asking ourselves if it happened because of all the times we ourselves go to the page in order to increase the number of visitors. “Some over-enthusiastic clicker” we thought. But that part is confidential, so we’d appreciate it if you didn’t make it public.

Later on they told us that calculations show that in the United States alone, the average annual cost of cyberattacks was 12.7 million dollars in 2014. We didn’t understand, I mean about the quantity. When they explained it to us, we panicked and ran to see if our pozol reserves had diminished. Nope. “Stable levels,” the guard said (this means there is enough for the homages and the seminar). At that point, all was still well. The problem was that in order to celebrate the fact that the cyberattack had not penetrated the solid vaults where we store the “gold of the LXIX century,” we had a party and a dance with the community DJs’ electronic music. The result? The strategic reserves were substantially reduced and now we have to replace them.

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Cideci / UniTierra Chiapas

Rethinking Revolution: Invitation to Talk by Gilberto Valdés

Talk with Gilberto Valdés of GALFISA (Grupo América Latina de Filosofía Social y Axiología) of the Institute of Philosophy, Havana, Cuba

Thursday, 6 January 2012, 5 pm
CIDECI / Universidad de la Tierra Chiapas

Live broadcast: y por

Iniciativas para la Identidad y la Inclusión / Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Matías de Córdova

Seminar on the Defense of Territory and Autonomies in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas

TRASMISIÓN EN VIVO en Radio Pozol o:

Policía Comunitaria de la Costa Chica y Montaña de Guerrero(Descarga aquí)  

Comunidades Santuario para migrantes en el Sur de Estados Unidos(Descarga aquí)  

Consejo Autónomo Regional de la Zona Costa de Chiapas(Descarga aquí)  

Asamblea de los Pueblos Indígenas del Istmo de Tehuantepec Oaxaca(Descarga aquí)  

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