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Radio Zapatista

Chiapas political prisoners on hunger strike

Relatos Zapatistas

Vibraciones: dentro y alrededor del Complejo Industrial de Prisiones

Relatos Zapatistas show from January, focused on mechanisms for producing communication and community in and around the prison-industrial complex. Does struggle resonate through walls? Includes special interviews regarding the Georgia prison strike and solidarity in the Bay Area, the Prison University Project at San Quentin, and gang injunctions in Fruitvale.

Full introduction available at Indybay.

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas – programa

Fourth of July program: “THE TRIAL”: complete radio program including reports/discussions on: mexico/chiapas news, US social forum in detroit, liberation of political prisoners from san salvador atenco, oscar grant trial (pre-verdict).

(Descarga aquí)  
La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – February program

  • News on Chiapas and the Other Campaign
  • Interview with the Good Government Council of Morelia
  • Supreme Court decision on Mumia Abu-Jamal
  • Interview with Garifuna community radio Faluma Bimetu
Noticias de la Otra

Mumia Abu-Jamal faces threat of execution

The US Supreme Court wil decide today on the petition of the Philadelphia court to execute the political prisoner, journalist and former militant of the Black Panther Party without a trial.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

  • News from Chiapas and La Otra
  • Interview with John Gibler about Gloria Arenas and Jacobo Silva Nogales
  • Sixth Anniversary of the invasion of Irak – actions in San Francisco
  • Interview with Miguel Perez on the organization of the May 1 marches
  • Zapatista film: “Corazón del tiempo”
Radio Zapatista

Reportaje sobre los presos políticos de Atenco

(Descarga aquí)  

Special report with interviews to relatives of political prisoners from San Salvador Atenco.

Radio Zapatista

Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance

(Descarga aquí)  

CR10: Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance, movement in resistance against the prison industrial complex. For more info:

Radio Zapatista

Programa en español – Oct 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • Remembering the Tlatelolco massacre.
  • Political prisoners of Atenco.
  • Report on CR-10, the 10th anniversary of Critical Resistance, movement against the prison industrial complex.
  • Anti-immigrant raids in Humboldt county.
Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez, wife of Ignacio del Valle recorded at San Salvador Atenco. Doña Trinidad speaks of the new sentences against the 13 political prisoners from Atenco, the struggle for their liberation, the conditions at the maximum security prison, and Ignacio del Valle’s reaction.