Autonomy and Resistance
Program in Spanish on displacement/eviction
Paramilitary actions in Chiapas. South Central Farm in Los Angeles. Evictions in San Francisco.
Testimonies of activist groups during a mitote organized by Acción Zapatista, Humboldt, CA
- Artist Resistance Collective: Collective working with print and multimedia to support other activist organizations. (3:45 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Aztec Dance Troupe: Group that uses Aztec dance as a means of healing and reconnection with indigenous roots and traditions. (2:45 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Teatro Campesino: Community-based guerrilla theater group based on the tradition of teatro campesino. (1:10 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Industrial Workers of the World (IWW): Workers union established 2 years ago in the northern California coast. (3:12 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Cop Watch: Community organization for defense against police violence. (3:45 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Street kids: “Street kid” community that reivindicates the right to live outside the system. (3:05 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Black Student Union: A student organization at Humboldt State University to build community among black students. (2:30 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Traditional Urok village at Blue Creek: A traditonal indigenous village being created on the Klamath river… a place of healing and tradition that “points ahead toward the past. (3:30 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Longest Walk, DQ University and Mujeres de Maíz: A compañera talks about the Longest Walk, the history and actuality of indigenous DQ University, and of the Mujeres de Maíz collective. (4:10 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Advanced Seminar on Women, Power, and Autonomy: Space of encounter to address issues faced by women of color and other underrepresented peoples. (5 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Women of Color Liberation Army (WCLA): Student organization at Humboldt State University that serves as a space for reflection and support among women of color. (7:15 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Transformative Theater / Creating Unity through Non-violent Transformation: A group applying transformative justice theory to struggle against violence through community-building. (3:15 min)
(Descarga aquí) - Klamath Salmon Media Collaborative: Media collective to bring attention to the destruction of the Klamath river and the plight of indigenous river dwellers who depend on salmon fishing. (2:20 min)
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