
Autonomy and Resistance

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Thank You Part II. Capitalism destroys, the people build.

Capitalism Destroys, the People Build

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

The words of the EZLN’s General Command in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés in the Zapatista community La Realidad at the presentation of the Zapatista Autonomous School, “Compañero Galeano” and the Autonomous Clinic 26 of October, “Subcomandante Insurgente Pedro” to the Zapatista bases of support, March 1, 2015.


Good morning to everyone, compañeros and compañeras of this zone, in this caracol of La Realidad, Selva Fronteriza zone.

We are here with you today, compañeros, compañeras of this zone, to officially turn over these buildings to the compañeros and compañeras bases of support of this Zapatista community, La Realidad, Nueva Victoria, as it is called in the struggle for us as the Zapatista Army for National Liberation.

Compañeros and compañeras, what we must make clear and understand is that the pain carried by each Zapatista continues, not only the Zapatistas in Mexico, but across the world, because we do not have with us the compañero whose name this new construction carries: compañero Galeano.

This construction was the fruit and the work, the efforts and the organization of the compañeros and compañeras of the International Sixth and the National Sixth. Here we are demonstrating what we Zapatistas are, in Mexico and in the world.

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Thank You Part I.

On Sunday, March 1, 2015, after more than six months of work, the building that houses a health clinic and a school was presented to the Zapatista bases of support of La Realidad. The solidarity of people and collectives throughout the world made this construction possible. Here we present to you the accounts, the words expressed during this event, and some photos from that day.


-Construction began on July 31, 2014. It was finished at the end of February 2015.

-Work days: approximately 2015 compa/work days.

Note from The Tercios Compas[ii] on the compa/work day, abbreviated CWD. CWD is a Zapatista unit of measure that could be thought of as equivalent to Socially Necessary Labor Time (SNLT). However, in addition to the fact that it is not measured in hours, CWD is not a unit of measure of value. CWD is a referent in order to compare the individual and the collective (an individual would have taken almost 7 years to do what a collective did in almost 7 months), and to contrast that which is done below and to the left with that which is done above and to the right (a government from above would have taken 14 years and still wouldn’t have finished the job). For example: with billions in their budget, the Chiapas state government cannot finish building hospitals in Reforma, Yajalón and Tuxtla Gutiérrez. The one in Tuxtla Gutiérrez is just one of the examples that abound of the corruption of the “leftist-PRDista-AMLOista” Juan Sabines Guerrero (who, as his predecessor Pablo Salazar Mendiguchía confessed, created and financed the paramilitary group known as CIOAC-H in Chiapas; the Aryan Velasco carries on those same politics). In 2012, to “inaugurate” the hospital in Tuxtla, they moved equipment there from other hospitals. After that psychopath Calderón and the criminal Sabines cut the ribbon, they dismantled everything. Now it is just a shell (information from “Chiapas Paralelo” and “Diario Contra Poder” The Aryan Velasco hides his patron’s enormous fraud and follows in his footsteps. Meanwhile, the money paid out above is spent on media propaganda, binge parties, decor, and makeup and beauty salons. In addition, of course, to being spent on persecuting the small independent paid media that still exists in the state, and buying silence on social networks. It is one thing to use handouts to corral people into praising the Aryan rancher, and a very different thing to organize in order to build what the people need. More information on the concept of SNLT, in Capital, Volume 1, Section 1, Chapter 1. We don’t remember the author, but he was a Jew, so proceed with caution. More information on the concept of CWD later on. End of the note from the Los Tercios Compas, press that is neither free, nor autonomous, nor alternative, nor independent, but it is compa. Copyright still in process because the Junta de Buen Gobierno told us “more information later on” (sonofa….didn’t I tell you?).

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Varias organizaciones de Chiapas

Program for the encounter to create the Movement in Defense of Land and Territory and for Women’s Participation and Recognition in Decision-Making

CIDECI Unitierra

6 y 7 de marzo de 2015

Hemos visto la necesidad de formar un movimiento para impulsar la participación de las mujeres en las decisiones y para juntar nuestros esfuerzos, luchas y resistencias en defensa de la madre tierra y el territorio, ya que es donde vivimos, comemos y crecen nuestros hijos e hijas. Sólo así podremos hacer una lucha fuerte contra los empresarios y los gobiernos que nos oprimen y despojan.

Haz clic aquí para ver el programa completo

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

En el tablón de avisos. El conserje.

On the Bulletin Board

The Concierge.


March 2015.

Early morning in reality.

Just here, as usual: watching and listening. The crack in the wall is barely visible from the other side. On our side it expands with persistence.

In the classrooms and in the huts of the thousands of Zapatista families who received, housed, fed, and cared for thousands of others,[1] men, women, and children from the five continents, the evaluations made by the teachers and votanes after you all left still resound.

Some of the evaluations were harsh, it’s true, but that probably won’t matter to those who claimed to had been moved by the experience and then continued on with their lives as if nothing had happened, avoiding looking in the mirror or editing that glance at their whim. Despite this, according to what I’ve heard, there were some, a few, that were evaluated as “pretty good.”

“Pretty good” is how the compas describe something good without making a fuss. “How are you?” “Well, I’m here, pretty good,” is how we greet each other.

Meanwhile time marches on just as we do, without fuss, just moving along, like shadows…

And the compa Galeano, who lit up these classrooms, houses, and schools with his word, now fallen and silent, murdered.

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Asamblea Comunitaria de Amilcingo y FDTAMPT

Asamblea Comunitara de Amilcingo, Morelos denuncia amenazas de muerte y toma de su Ayudantía municipal

Agencia Subversiones

Cherán K´eri: de la autodefensa a la autonomía

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Agencia Subversiones.

Crónica sobre los procesos autónomos en el Istmo de Tehuantepec.

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Caravana Sexta Internacional

First report of the Sexta Internacional Caravan on its visit to San Sebastián Bachajón

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Breve Resumen de Sucesos en el Ejido de San Sebastián Bachajón desde la Recuperación de sus Tierras el 21 de Diciembre de 2014

El 21 de diciembre de 2014, durante la inauguración del Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeldías Contra el Capitalismo, en México, compañeros del ejido San Sebastián Bachajón en el norte de Chiapas adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona anunciaron que en la madrugada del mismo día habían recuperado las tierras despojadas desde el 2 de febrero de 2011 por el gobierno de Juan Sabines Guerrero y Noe Castañón León en complicidad con el comisariado ejidal oficialista Francisco Guzmán Jiménez. A l@s participantes del Festival Mundial les pidieron su apoyo y solidaridad en la defensa de sus territorios recuperados.

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SubVersiones y Radio Zapatista

Violent eviction of the autonomous space Chanti Ollin in Mexico City

Esta mañana, 7 de enero, elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública (SSP) de la Ciudad de México desalojaron, con uso de violencia y sin orden de desalojo, el predio ocupado por el proyecto cultural Chanti Ollin. Alrededor de las 6:30 am un operativo de policías capitalinos, compuesto de varias patrullas y helicópteros, entró al inmueble, detuvo a algunas personas que vivían ahí y comenzó a lanzar por las ventanas pertenencias, muebles y objetos de trabajo.

Escucha la conferencia de prensa a las afueras del Chanti Ollin.

Hay varios heridos y se reportan 10 detenidos, aunque la lista de nombres por ahora se limita la siguiente:

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Radio Zapatista

En colores nos bordó Ramona.-Crónica del Final/Inicio del Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y las Rebeldías

En colores nos bordó Ramona
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. 3 de enero de 2015.
Eugenia Gutiérrez. Colectivo Radio Zapatista.

La visión de la comandanta

Si Ramona pudiera ver los frutos de lo que sembró, cuánto vería. Si escuchara la firmeza con que habla el Congreso Nacional Indígena que ella fundó, en cuántas palabras se reconocería. Todos los colores del bordado en que imaginó a cada adherente de la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona pasarían de nuevo frente a sus ojos.

La fase Chiapas es la última parada del Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y las Rebeldías contra el Capitalismo, “donde los de arriba destruyen, los de abajo reconstruimos”, pero se siente más como salida que como llegada. De Oventic a Jovel, miles de personas indignadas ensayan sonrisas nuevas para el año que comienza y el trabajo que falta. Ya sea en el caracol tzotzil-tzeltal o en la Unitierra mestiza, las sillas vacías de estudiantes normalistas están ocupadas por compromisos de articulación en serio. Los brazos de sus familiares en lucha no se cansan de cargar sus fotografías, pero tampoco se cansan de saludar, de abrazar, de aplaudir ideas. Faltan tres días para el noveno aniversario del fallecimiento de la comandanta, dolorosamente anunciado por el Sup Marcos en Tonalá cuando arrancaba la otra campaña. Nueve años y muchos agravios después, la Sexta nacional e internacional se perciben hoy más compañeras que nunca mientras se hermanan con el CNI.