John Gibler: Oaxaca, narcotráfico y militarización
Interview to John Gibler, independent journalist, on the situation in Oaxaca, an update on the case of the murder of Brad Will, drug traffic and militarization in Mexican society.

Interview to John Gibler, independent journalist, on the situation in Oaxaca, an update on the case of the murder of Brad Will, drug traffic and militarization in Mexican society.
Special report with interviews to relatives of political prisoners from San Salvador Atenco.
Program in Spanglish: Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco.
Interview with Italia Méndez, former prisoner and torture victim, recorded during the political-cultural event organized by the Other Campaign at the encampment in front of the Molino de Flores prison, in solidarity with political prisoners.
Report on the 21st meeting of the Central-Pacific region of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), which took place in the Wirrárika community of El Tirador, Jalisco, from July 4 to 6, 2008.
Update on Oaxaca and Chiapas. Alemany Farms in San Francisco. Exclussion of activist professor Manuel Callahan at Humboldt University.