
Free, Alternative, Autonomous Media

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

[VIDEOS] Closure of the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN

Videos by Free, Autonomous, Alternative Media or whatever they’re called, from the Caracol 1 of the EZLN. La Realidad, Chiapas. (Listen to the audios or read the declarations here.)

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FIRST DECLARATION of the CNI-EZLN Exchange: on REPRESSION against our peoples

(Descarga aquí)  

CNI – EZLN: We do not forget our dead, imprisoned, and disappeared.

The war against our indigenous peoples has gone on for more than 520 years. Capitalism was born of the blood of our peoples and the millions of our brothers and sisters who died during the European invasion. We must also add those who died in the wars of independence and reform, with the imposition of liberal laws, during the rule of Porfirio Diaz, and in the revolution.

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

Declarations from the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN (9 Aug 2014 – La Realidad)

Medios Libres en La Realidad

EZLN and CNI announce the First Great World Festival of Rebellions and Resistances

“Where those from above destroy, we from below rebuild”

The Indigenous National Congress and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, meeting together for 6 days in Caracol 1 of La Realidad, widely denounced the different dispossessions against the indigenous peoples throughout the national territory. “This dispossession has a name and that name is capitalism,” said Venustiano Vázquez Navarrete, delegate from the Wixarika people, who along with Miriam Vargas, read the first of the closing statements.

In this event Armando García Salazar, belonging to ñ’hañhú people, read a communiqué announcing the call to the First Great World Festival of Rebellions and Resistances, which will be held on the days from 21 December this year until 3 January 2015, in 6 states of the country.

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We from Below Rebuild! – The EZLN Invites to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions

EZLN invita al Festival Mundial de Las Resistencias y las Rebeldias contra el Capitalismo “Donde Los De Arriba destruyen Los de Abajo Reconstruimos”

EZLN invites to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions “Where those from Above Destroy, those from Below Rebuild”

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Invitation from the EZLN and CNI to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions

(Descarga aquí)  

To the brothers and sisters of the National and International Sixth:

In the gathering of our peoples in the Exchange between Zapatista Peoples and the National Indigenous Congress “David Ruíz Garcia,” we shared with each other our pain as well as our words and experiences of struggle, rebellion, and resistance.

Together we know that within our rebellions is our “NO” to the politics of destruction that capitalism carries out across the world. And we know that within our resistances are the seeds of the world that we want.

These rebellions and resistances are not just those of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. They are also found in the footsteps of the originary peoples across the continent and in all corners of the earth where individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations not only say “NO” to destruction, but go about constructing something new.
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Medios Libres en La Realidad

YES to Resistance – Words of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés at the Closure of the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

The Mirrors in Resistance – Declaration of the Exchange between Indigenous Peoples and the EZLN at La Realidad (9 Aug)

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Por Medios Libres en La Realidad

Caracol de La Realidad, Chiapas. 9 de agosto de 2014.- Ante las y los compañeros de la Sexta Internacional e Internacional, el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) y los 28 colectivos, grupos, tribus del Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI) se dio a conocer la “Declaración Sobre El Despojo de Nuestros Pueblos” la segunda compartición de acuerdos entre el CNI y el EZLN.
(Descarga aquí)  

La tierra que nos vio nacer que nos da la vida y que finalmente descansamos en ella eternamente por eso somos todos los colores que somos todas las lenguas que hablan nuestros corazones por eso somos pueblos, somos tribus, somos nación, somos las guardianas y los guardianes de estas tierras, de este país que es México, de este continente y del mundo. EZLN, Agosto del 2014.

A voz de un compañero de San Francisco Xochicuautla, se compartió en la explanada del caracol donde nos encontrábamos compañeros de la Sexta, las Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas (BAZ) y demás invitados a la clausura de la Primera Compartición De Pueblos Originarios de México con Pueblos Zapatistas: “Compañero David Ruiz García”.

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Radio Zapatista

Bienvenidxs a La Realidad

Resumen sonoro del Homenaje al Votán Galeano (José Luis Solís López ) en La Realidad, Chiapas, México. Audios tomados de Los Medios Libres que acudieron al Encuentro/Homenaje/Relevo Colectivo zapatista este 24 de mayo de 2014, en el corazón de la resistencia zapatista mexicana. Música: “El Tren”, Rastrillos y “Marco’s Hall”, de Panteón Rococó.

(Descarga aquí)  

Foto: Marta Molina para los Medios Libres, Alternativos, Autónomos o como se llamen.

Promedios México

Video: Homenaje a Galeano

Coordinadora Valle de Chalco

Homenaje al maestro Galeano: Transmisión por Radio Insurgente

Bajo el sol de mayo se escucha la voz de los sin voz, la Radio Insurgente, acá, la grabación austera del programa transmitido el sábado 24 de mayo de 2014… con dos rolitas metidas de contrabando…

(Descarga aquí)  

To see the images that accompany the audio, click here.

See also: