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Europa Zapatista

GREECE – URGENT! Two demonstrators very seriously injuered, one of them in a coma

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Más información: Europa Zapatista

– 11 de Mayo: La represión policíaca ha llenado con sangre las calles de Atenas.
– En proceso manifestaciones contra la represión.

La primera reacción viendo las fotos que siguen este pequeño escrito es: “esto no puede pasar en Europa”. Sin embargo son fotos de una capital europea. Igual podrían ser de Londres, Roma, Barcelona, París… Son de Atenas. Donde la represión policíaca bajo los órdenes del gobierno griego contra manifestantes que protestaban ayer en el marco de la huelga general, del 11 de mayo, por las políticas que exterminan la sociedad, ha mandado a los hospitales a 97 manifestantes. Dos de ellos muy gravemente heridos por golpes policiacos incotrolados.

El compañero G.K., de treinta años, miembro de la “Asamblea de Resistencia y Solidaridad de Barrio Kypseli” está en el hospital de Nikea y los médicos batallan por su vida. Las heridas mortales se provocaron por golpeos en la cabeza. Cuando le trasladaron al hospital estaba en “estado de muerte”, según el comunicado de los médicos. La operación para quitar los hematomas cerebrales que se provocaron por los golpes policiacos duró 4 horas. Los médicos todavía no pueden decir si va a vivir o no y cómo.

Otro manifestante, el M.P. de 29 años está hospitalizado en Evaggelismos, donde los médicos avanzaron su operación y le quitaron el bazo para salvarle la vida.

En Atenas los últimos años hemos vivido y sufrido la represión brutal de las fuerzas de represión. Sin embargo el ataque maníaco de ayer, un ataque sin razón y motivo contra los manifestantes, sin el pretexto habitual de los ïncidentes, no puede describirse en palabras. HAN DECLARADO LA GUERRA CONTRA LA SOCIEDAD.

ULTIMA HORA. Amaneciendo hoy, unos fascistas acuchillaron y asesinaron a un inmigrante. En este momento está en proceso otro programa gubernamental contra los inmigrantes y alrededor de 1000 fascistas marchan por el centro de Atenas…

No cabe duda, como en tantos otros lugares del mundo, hoy en Grecia y buena parte de Europa camina la barbarie del capitalismo, con sus políticas neoliberales y sus ejércitos de esbirros. Y todo es posible, incluso el retorno del fascismo más puro y crudo, si es que alguna vez se fue…

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Racial Imprisonment

Speech written by Mumia Abu-Jamal for a conference titled PRISONMENT OF A RACE
The conference was held at Princeton University on March 25th, 2011

Dear Friends, Activists, Scholars and Colleagues: On A Move!
Thank you for your invitation to join you and to participate in this conference. It is an honor to share these brief moments with you – a nod and a salute to your panelists, many of whom I know and admire.
Your topic, is, to say the least, a daunting one, for the sheer numbers are breathtaking, especially when you consider its familial, social, communal and political impacts. I dare say, for those among you who are African-American, no matter your class or income, you won’t have to think very long to recall a nephew – and far too often a niece – (not to mention a son or daughter!), who, if not presently a prisoner, is then an ex-prisoner of some country, state or federal system.
That speaks to the ubiquity of the problem, of the vast numbers of men, women and juveniles who populate the prison industrial complex here in America. As many of you know, the U.S., with barely 5% of the world’s population, imprisons 25% of the world’s prisoners. As Michelle Alexander (whom many of you will hear from in this conference’s evening program) has noted, the numbers of imprisoned Blacks here rivals and exceeds South Africa’s hated apartheid system during its height.
We shouldn’t take this analogy lightly, for the South African apartheid was the epitome of the racist police state, second only to Nazi Germany in its repellent nature. Moreover, much of its energy was consumed in a de facto war (or, at the very least, in military-espionage jargon, a low-intensity conflict) with the Black majority that criminalized almost every feature of African independent life, restricting places to live, work, study and even love.
This speaks to how blind we are in this country to the scope of the problem (much less its resolution), and how it has been normalized in social and political consciousness, in part because the corporate media neglects or slants such a story; for if they can fail in reportage leading to a hot war (here I mean Iraq) they certainly can fail in reporting the parameters of a low-intensity conflict that crushes Black lives. Perhaps the words of a non- American (I hesitate to call him a foreigner), but long an observer of this country, can give us some insight. At 71 years, South Africa’s great musical gift, Hugh Masekela gave an interview in which he made note of the post-apartheid South Africa:  “The majority of the population only got the right to vote and a lack of harassment from the police. But any further changes would be bad for business. Same like here in the United States – the fruits of the Civil Rights Movement are very minimal.”
I quote Masekela here not merely because of his celebrity (nor because I love his music), but because he, like millions of Africans, lived under the madness of apartheid, (even though he escaped it by later moving abroad) and therefore knows it intimately. He therefore is able to recognize its elements in American life. Buy why is apartheid seen as so repellent and the U.S. prison industrial complex (PIC) seen as benign?
I think the answer is twofold: 1) the political elites of both [U.S.] political parties reached bi-partisan consensus on this issue; and 2) the presence of Black political actors in various offices act as a shield repelling attacks on the racist nature of the system.

As in South Africa, Black political elites have benefited from an economic system that is profoundly unfair to the vast majority of African people, especially the poor and working-class. Thus, race protects a class divide, and despite its imagery, social inequality. In essence, the post-apartheid regime achieved a result that the apartheid era tried to, but failed to construct:  a buffer class that protected the lands, property and material wealth of the white minority settler class.

It is one of the ironies of history that the government led by the African National Congress (ANC) would achieve this result, albeit by negotiated settlement.

Let us depart from theoretical political constructs to note an example of the real. Several months ago, a police squad raided a Black working-class home, shot into it from outside, and killed a Black child. That, in itself, unfortunately, can’t be called noteworthy. Yet it has a certain resonance when we note that both the mayor of the city, and its police chief, were Black. Those aware of this incident may recognize the name of the beautiful child involved, Aiyannah Jones, I believe, and the city: Detroit. Surely this provides some insight into the political function of Black leaders, and their impotence when it comes to curbing state action that endangers Black poor life.

One of the keynoters, law professor Alexander addresses some of these points in her book, but what had the best salience for me was something that I’ve not seen in any of the reviews I’ve read (understanding that as most prisoners don’t have computer access, I’ve probably missed scads of reviews). It was her observation that the Black working-class/poor constitute a caste position in U.S. society.

In a nation that promotes democracy, one would think the charge that a distinct racial caste exists at the heart of it would provoke controversy. Judging from what I’ve read, this central point has been glossed over.
In closing, I, of course, commend her book to you all for study, but I must do more.
We must call for, agitate for, and if all else fails, create a new popular movement that struggles to break this caste system, once and for all. Indeed, it is in our collective interest to do so. For most Black scholars, intellectuals, academics and political elites are one generation removed from the ghettoes of distant memory. With the collapse of the U.S. economy, where do you think the cuts will occur, as the welfare state – and the State itself – shrinks?

Finally, we know that the impact of felon disfranchisement laws led, inexorably, to the election of George W. Bush, in 2000. Think of what the world may’ve looked like, if that political event didn’t happen.
It is in the interest of all.

I thank you. On  A  Move!

Mumia Abu-Jamal, M.A.
Death Row, Pa.

Reporte Índigo

Javier Sicilia: From letters to social demands (Reporte Índigo)

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El pasado 17 de marzo Javier Sicilia amaneció con la amarga noticia de que su hijo Francisco, de 22 años, había sido encontrado muerto junto con otras seis víctimas en el interior de un Civic en el fraccionamiento Las Brisas del municipio de Temixco.

En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, dejó de ser poeta para convertirse en un símbolo más de la tragedia que viven día a día miles de mexicanos.

Con el dolor a cuestas y en medio del luto, Sicilia levantó inmediatamente la voz para exigir justicia, comenzó el doloroso camino de encontrar a los culpables y convocó a la marcha realizada el 5 de mayo que tuvo como sello el pedido de renuncia del secretario de Seguridad Pública Federal, Genaro García Luna.

La defensa del cuestionado funcionario por parte del gobierno federal no tardó en llegar.

El secretario técnico del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de México, Alejandro Poiré, destacó la labor de García Luna al frente de la seguridad del país, al afirmar que ha sido pieza claveen el combate del crimen organizado y uno de los principales impulsores de una policía nacional capacitada que preste seguridad a los ciudadanos.

"Si alguien ha impulsado la formación de una policía bien equipada, con capacidades y que garantice la seguridad de las personas, ese es Genaro García Luna", dijo Poiré.

El reclamo de Sicilia comienza a trascender. Ayer, senadores del PRD, PT y Convergencia, anunciaron que harán una invitación formal a Sicilia para que asista a dialogar a la Comisión Permanente del Congreso acerca de la ola de violencia e inseguridad que atraviesa el país.

Los legisladores desean la presencia del periodista en su calidad de dirigente ciudadano para que exponga y dialogue sus puntos de vista y proponga alternativas desde una visión más social y con mayor participación ciudadana para combatir a la delincuencia organizada.

En entrevista exclusiva con Reporte Indigo, Sicilia dijo que si a una ciudadanía se le instala el miedo, si no puede salir a las calles con seguridad, es señal de que el Estado no está cumpliendo su cometido.

“Y si esa ciudadanía tiene que vivir bajo la violencia del propio Estado porque está combatiendo a delincuentes que existen porque el Estado no está cumpliendo con su trabajo, pues entonces ya no hay país, ya no hay ciudad, ya no hay nación, hay un darwinismo social, y eso es muy grave”, afirmó.





Movimiento de Resistencia al pago de las altas tarifas de la luz

CIVIL RESISTANCE to the payment of high electric power rates

The movement of resistance to the payment of high electric power rates in Mexico, made up of community and neighborhood organizations, was born over 20 years ago. The increasing privatization of the public service by the Federal Electric Commission (CFE) in the hands of transnational companies, especially Spanish, and the continuous and arbitrary increase in rates, has led to a greater coordination of struggles on a regional and national level.

In the state of Chiapas 45% of the country’s hydroelectric energy is generated, which is exported even to Central America. The communities in resistance of Chiapas, independently from the state, have their own electric tecnicians, purchase and install transformers and light posts and send a clear message: “We will not pay for electricity until the San Andres Accords are met”, which were signed between the federal government and the EZLN in 1996, and which deal, among other things, with the control of natural resources.


Upside Down World

Mexico’s Drug War Victims Find Their Voice in Massive Silent March

Source: Upside Down World
Written by Kristin Bricker
Tuesday, 10 May 2011 16:19
Drug war victims finally made themselves heard in Mexico in the most unlikely way: a nation-wide silent March for Peace with Justice and Dignity. Photo courtesy of
Drug war victims finally made themselves heard in Mexico in the most unlikely way: a nation-wide silent March for Peace with Justice and Dignity.
Over 100,000 Mexicans took to the streets over the weekend to protest the war on drugs, impunity, corruption, and violence. The largest march lasted four days and covered nearly 100 kilometers from Cuernavaca, Morelos, to Mexico City. On Thursday, May 5, about 500 protesters began marching in Cuernavaca. Along the way, more contingents joined the march, while other marches set out from different states to join the protest in Mexico City. By the time the marches met in Mexico City’s main square on May 8, an estimated 100,000 people were gathered to protest the war.
Those who couldn’t make the trip to Mexico City held protests in their own states. In Chiapas, 25,000 masked Zapatistas marched in complete silence to the main plaza in San Cristobal de las Casas, where Comandante David read a communiqué from Subcomandante Marcos. “Tens of thousands of people have died in this absurd war,” said Comandante David. “Their only sin was to have been born or lived in a country that is badly governed by legal and illegal groups who are thirsty for war, death, and destruction.”
About seventy Central American migrants passing through Mexico to reach the United States also joined the March for Peace with Justice and Dignity. They marched along railroad tracks through Oaxaca, Veracruz, and Puebla, the route that migrants generally travel as they cling precariously to boxcars. Near the border between Veracruz and Puebla, armed men attempted to kidnap at least one woman during the march. The protesters don’t know if the attack was politically motivated, or just another example of the extreme violence migrants suffer daily as they travel through Mexico. Drug trafficking organizations frequently kidnap migrants for ransom or human trafficking. According to Eduardo Almeida of the Puebla-based Nodo human rights organization, the presence of reporters covering the march likely dissuaded the kidnappers in this case.
In Ciudad Juarez, about one thousand protesters marched in silence until they ran into the city’s mayor at the Benito Juarez monument. He fled the area on foot to avoid the protesters as they began chanting at him.
Protests occurred in all 31 states in Mexico. Protests were also reported in the United States, Canada, Europe, and South America. Mexican immigrants organized many of the protests that occurred in foreign cities.
“We Are Not Collateral Damage”
This weekend’s march, convoked by renowned Mexican writer Javier Sicilia after his son Juan Francisco was murdered in Morelos, allowed the drug war’s innocent victims to bring their stories to the national and international media, in many cases for the very first time. Prior to Sicilia’s public outrage over his son’s murder, the government stigmatized drug war murder victims, arguing that 90% of them are “cartel hit men.” Government agents have repeatedly doctored crime scenes and planted weapons on bodies to make innocent victims appear to be dangerous criminals. When the government does admit that innocent people have died in the drug war, it justifies the deaths as “collateral damage.”
However, from May 5-8, the drug war’s innocent victims stepped out of the shadows and into the international spotlight.
Many were meeting each other for the first time. When the marchers took breaks along Mexico’s 95D freeway, they sat down together to talk about their shared pain. Variations of the following exchange were frequently overheard during the march:
“Who is the young man in the photo you’re carrying?”
“He was my son. He was murdered. And who is the young man on your t-shirt?”
“He is my son. He’s disappeared.”
Some marchers lost family members within the past few months and had not yet politicized their search for answers; they were still in the initial stages of shock and desperation.
Carlos Castro marched with a 15-foot by 7-foot banner that pleaded “RETURN MY FAMILY TO ME” printed above photos of his missing wife, two daughters, and the family’s housekeeper. “I’m marching today to see if I can find my daughters,” Castro said as he choked back tears. The four women disappeared on January 6, 2011, from their home in Xalapa, Veracruz. Castro says he has no clue who took his family and housekeeper. “They entered [the house] and took the whole family. I’m doing this so that they [the kidnappers] receive this message and return them to me. I don’t know why they took them, they had no reason to take my daughters.” Castro’s wife Josefina Campillo Cerreto had just ended a stint as the Actopan (Veracruz) City Council’s trustee when the family was kidnapped. On December 13, 2010—just three weeks before the kidnapping—she updated her Facebook profile to list her job at the City Council and posted what would be her last status update: “I’d rather die fighting than give up without a fight.”
25,000 Zapatistas marched in Chiapas to demand "No more blood on Mexican Soil!" Photo by Moysés Zúñiga Santiago / La Jornada.
Most marchers had at least a general idea of who disappeared or killed their family members. Surprisingly, protesters at the march against President Felipe Calderon’s drug war weren’t just limited to victims of military and police abuse. Victims of both organized and unorganized crime also marched against the war in large numbers.
Teresa, a middle-aged woman who lives in Morelos, marched with a photo of her son, Joaquin. “They killed him ten months ago in Mexico City,” she recounts. “I’m carrying his photo so that everyone knows who he was, sees that he had a face and a mother, just like the over 30,000 dead in this country. The dead aren’t just numbers. They were loved ones.” Joaquin was apparently murdered during a mugging. Teresa filed a report with the government, but the investigation, if there ever was one, went nowhere. As long as the investigation remains open, the government won’t let her cremate her son and spread his ashes in Cancun, where he was born. Joaquin is buried in a temporary grave in Morelos. The protests convoked by Javier Sicilia were the first time Teresa took to the streets to demand justice for her son. “I identify with Javier,” she says. “He was a young, productive, happy boy. Joaquin was beginning his third year of college, studying architecture. Joaquin was the type of young man this country needs, just like Juanelo [Javier’s son] was.”
Isaac Gomez Lopez, an art student who lives in Cuernavaca, argues, “A lot of people use the drug war as a pretext to attack other people. Now, it’s almost like anyone can kill someone and justify it by saying ‘it’s the drug war’ and it won’t be investigated. It just goes into a file.” Cuernavaca’s murder rate jumped after soldiers killed drug kingpin Arturo Beltran Leyva there in late 2009. Beltran Leyva’s death destabilized the territory his organization controlled, providing an opening for other organizations to move in an attempt a takeover, which inevitably led to more violence. “You start to see curfews, the streets empty because they’re not as safe,” says Gomez Lopez. “It’s really affecting tourism.”
Victims of organized crime marched against the war as well. “I’m a victim of human trafficking and organized crime,” declares Ivan Monroy Medina of the Regional Coalition Against Trafficking of Women and Girls. “Seven months ago they took my daughter. She was eleven months old and they violently took her from my wife in Mexico State.” Ramos says that human trafficking is a growing problem in his state. “There were meetings in the neighborhood where we were living. They warned us to be careful because a lot of children had been stolen from the neighborhood. Fifteen or twenty days later, it happened to us.” Monroy Medina and his wife reported the kidnapping to the authorities, “but since we don’t live in Predregal [an upscale neighborhood] and since we don’t know how to play golf and don’t know governors, they don’t pay any attention to us.”
Seven members of the LeBaron family drove down from the Mormon community of Colonia LeBaron, Chihuahua, to participate in the march. The LeBarons made international headlines in 2009 when they publicly refused to pay a million-dollar ransom for 16-year-old Erick LeBaron after he was kidnapped. “The kidnappers told Erick, ‘But there’s so many of you, can’t you all chip in and pay the ransom?’” recounts Adrian LeBaron, Erick’s uncle. The LeBarons feared that if they paid one exorbitant ransom, kidnappers would descend upon their community like vultures. Instead, Colonia LeBaron organized protests in Chihuahua City to demand that the government take action to bring Erick home. Their gamble worked; the kidnappers released Erick after seven days.
The LeBaron’s victory was short-lived. Only a few months later, a criminal organization punished Erick’s older brother Benjamin for organizing about fourteen local communities into an anti-kidnapping organization called SOS Chihuahua. “Twenty armed men went to his house and broke all his windows, and so his brother-in-law [Luis Widmar] came over to help him,” recounts Benjamin’s brother Julian. “They kidnapped them both and executed them about a mile down the road.”
Despite the fact that the LeBaron’s battle is with organized crime, Julian argues that his community’s problems started when President Calderon declared war on drugs. “The war on drugs has been a disaster for this country,” he insists.
Chihuahua, particularly Ciudad Juarez, is Mexico’s drug war “laboratory.” There, argues Proceso reporter Marcela Turati, “Not only drug traffickers, drug dealers, and even drug addicts, but also common citizens, above all youngsters, are involuntarily subjected to an experiment: how it would be, in Mexico, to live under military control.” A large contingent from Chihuahua participated in the March for Peace and Justice with Dignity to tell the president that the experiment has failed.
Maria Alvarado traveled all the way from Ciudad Juarez to participate in the march because the military disappeared her sister Nitza Paola Alvarado and cousins Rocío Irene Alvarado and José Ángel Alvarado on December 29, 2009, from Ejido Benito Juarez, where they were spending the holidays with family. “We tried to follow the them,” she recalls. “But it was very dark and they were taking them on back roads. We returned to the house because we were scared.” The military later left Nitza’s truck at a Chihuahua State Investigations Agency office without giving the local authorities any explanation as to why they were leaving it there.
The Alvarado family filed all of the necessary complaints with relevant government agencies, but they hit a brick wall. “The military has always said that there’s no indication that it was them, that they’ve never carried out operations in the town, which is a big lie,” insists Alvaro. “They stayed three weeks on the ejido in a hotel called Los Arcos, and they made rounds in the entire ejido.”
Regardless of who perpetrated the attacks on their families, all of the drug war victims in the march had the same demand: “We’re demanding that the authorities do their jobs,” says Alvarado. “All they do is create fat case files, and they don’t investigate.”
“They told us we had to take the legal route. ‘You have to go give your testimony and file your complaint and we’ll see if we get motivated to go chase the kidnappers,’” complains Adrian LeBaron. “We told them, ‘We don’t want to be another little paper in your mountains of files. We want our son.’ So we protested.”
A common slogan on signs and banners in the March for Peace with Justice and Dignity was directed at the authorities: “If you can’t do your job, then quit!”
National Pact for Peace
The movement to compel Mexican authorities to “do their jobs” and reduce the country’s staggering impunity rate doesn’t show any signs of letting up.
Javier Sicilia says that Zapatista spokesperson Subcomandante Marcos sent him a letter to tell him that the Zapatistas would join his march. The letter was hand-delivered and came with an oral message, too: “This march, this struggle, transcends the Left. This is a war against all of us, and all of us need to join together.”
“This is a struggle between those who want life and those who want death,” declared Comandante David during the Zapatistas’ march in Chiapas. “And we, the Zapatistas, we chose to struggle for life—that is, for justice, liberty, and peace.”
On May 8 in front of about 100,000 people, Olga Reyes, who has lost six family members in the drug war, and Patricia Duarte, whose son Andrés died in a fire at the ABC Daycare due to government negligence, read the proposal for a National Pact for Peace, a citizens initiative to reduce violence, corruption, and impunity in Mexico. The pact has six central demands:
  1. truth and justice
  2. an end to the war in favor of a focus on citizen security
  3. combat corruption
  4. combat crime’s economic roots and profits
  5. emergency attention for youths and effective actions to rebuild the social fabric
  6. participative democracy, better representative democracy, and democratization of the media
The proposal will be finalized and signed during a public event on June 10 in Ciudad Juarez, the deadliest city in the world.
Enlace Zapatista

Mobilizations of the Zezta Internacional on May 7 and 8 around the world. March for Justice and against Impunity

(Continuar leyendo…)

Javier Sicilia

Speech by Javier Sicilia read in Mexico City’s Zócalo

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Nuevo pacto o fractura nacional
Domingo, 08 de mayo de 2011
Javier Sicilia

Hemos llegado a pie, como lo hicieron los antiguos mexicanos, hasta este sitio en donde ellos por vez primera contemplaron el lago, el águila, la serpiente, el nopal y la piedra, ese emblema que fundó a la nación y que ha acompañado a los pueblos de México a lo largo de los siglos. Hemos llegado hasta esta esquina donde alguna vez habitó Tenochtitlan -a esta esquina donde el Estado y la Iglesia se asientan sobre los basamentos de un pasado rico en enseñanzas y donde los caminos se encuentran y se bifurcan-; hemos llegado aquí para volver a hacer visibles las raíces de nuestra nación, para que su desnudez, que acompañan la desnudez de la palabra, que es el silencio, y la dolorosa desnudez de nuestros muertos, nos ayuden a alumbrar el camino.

Si hemos caminado y hemos llegado así, en silencio, es porque nuestro dolor es tan grande y tan profundo, y el horror del que proviene tan inmenso, que ya no tienen palabras con qué decirse. Es también porque a través de ese silencio nos decimos, y les decimos a quienes tienen la responsabilidad de la seguridad de este país, que no queremos un muerto más a causa de esta confusión creciente que sólo busca asfixiarnos, como asfixiaron el aliento y la vida de mi hijo Juan Francisco, de Luis Antonio, de Julio César, de Gabo, de María del Socorro, del comandante Jaime y de tantos miles de hombres, mujeres, niños y ancianos asesinados con un desprecio y una vileza que pertenecen a mundos que no son ni serán nunca los nuestros; estamos aquí para decirnos y decirles que este dolor del alma en los cuerpos no lo convertiremos en odio ni en más violencia, sino en una palanca que nos ayude a restaurar el amor, la paz, la justicia, la dignidad y la balbuciente democracia que estamos perdiendo; para decirnos y decirles que aún creemos que es posible que la nación vuelva a renacer y a salir de sus ruinas, para mostrarles a los señores de la muerte que estamos de pie y que no cejaremos de defender la vida de todos los hijos y las hijas de este país, que aún creemos que es posible rescatar y reconstruir el tejido social de nuestros pueblos, barrios y ciudades.

Si no hacemos esto solamente podremos heredar a nuestros muchachos, a nuestras muchachas y a nuestros niños una casa llena de desamparo, de temor, de indolencia, de cinismo, de brutalidad y engaño, donde reinan los señores de la muerte, de la ambición, del poder desmedido y de la complacencia y la complicidad con el crimen.

Todos los días escuchamos historias terribles que nos hieren y nos hacen preguntarnos: ¿Cuándo y en dónde perdimos nuestra dignidad? Los claroscuros se entremezclan a lo largo del tiempo para advertirnos que esta casa donde habita el horror no es la de nuestros padres, pero sí lo es; no es el México de nuestros maestros, pero sí lo es; no es el de aquellos que ofrecieron lo mejor de sus vidas para construir un país más justo y democrático, pero sí lo es; esta casa donde habita el horror no es el México de Salvador Nava, de Heberto Castillo, de Manuel Clouthier, de los hombres y mujeres de las montañas del sur -de esos pueblos mayas que engarzan su palabra a la nación- y de tantos otros que nos han recordado la dignidad, pero sí lo es; no es el de los hombres y mujeres que cada amanecer se levantan para ir a trabajar y con honestidad sostenerse y sostener a sus familias, pero sí lo es; no es el de los poetas, de los músicos, de los pintores, de los bailarines, de todos los artistas que nos revelan el corazón del ser humano y nos conmueven y nos unen, pero sí lo es. Nuestro México, nuestra casa, está rodeada de grandezas, pero también de grietas y de abismos que al expandirse por descuido, complacencia y complicidad nos han conducido a esta espantosa desolación.

Son esas grietas, esas heridas abiertas, y no las grandezas de nuestra casa, las que también nos han obligado a caminar hasta aquí, entrelazando nuestro silencio con nuestros dolores, para decirles directamente a la cara que tienen que aprender a mirar y a escuchar, que deben nombrar a todos nuestros muertos -a esos que la maldad del crimen ha asesinado de tres maneras: privándolos de la vida, criminalizándolos y enterrándolos en las fosas comunes de un silencio ominoso que no es el nuestro-; para decirles que con nuestra presencia estamos nombrando esta infame realidad que ustedes, la clase política, los llamados poderes fácticos y sus siniestros monopolios, las jerarquías de los poderes económicos y religiosos, los gobiernos y las fuerzas policiacas han negado y quieren continuar negando. Una realidad que los criminales, en su demencia, buscan imponernos aliados con las omisiones de los que detentan alguna forma de poder.

Queremos afirmar aquí que no aceptaremos más una elección si antes los partidos políticos no limpian sus filas de esos que, enmascarados en la legalidad, están coludidos con el crimen y tienen al Estado maniatado y cooptado al usar los instrumentos de éste para erosionar las mismas esperanzas de cambio de los ciudadanos. O ¿dónde estaban los partidos, los alcaldes, los gobernadores, las autoridades federales, el ejército, la armada, las Iglesias, los congresos, los empresarios; dónde estábamos todos cuando los caminos y carreteras que llevan a Tamaulipas se convirtieron en trampas mortales para hombres y mujeres indefensos, para nuestros hermanos migrantes de Centroamérica? ¿Por qué nuestras autoridades y los partidos han aceptado que en Morelos y en muchos estados de la República gobernadores señalados públicamente como cómplices del crimen organizado permanezcan impunes y continúen en las filas de los partidos y a veces en puestos de gobierno? ¿Por qué se permitió que diputados del Congreso de la Unión se organizaran para ocultar a un prófugo de la justicia, acusado de tener vínculos con el crimen organizado y lo introdujeron al recinto que debería ser el más honorable de la patria porque en él reside la representación plural del pueblo y terminaran dándole fuero y después aceptando su realidad criminal en dos vergonzosos sainetes? ¿Por qué se permitió al presidente de la República y por qué decidió éste lanzar al ejército a las calles en una guerra absurda que nos ha costado 40 mil víctimas y millones de mexicanos abandonados al miedo y a la incertidumbre? ¿Por qué se trató de hacer pasar, a espaldas de la ciudadanía, una ley de seguridad que exige hoy, más que nunca una amplia reflexión, discusión y consenso ciudadano? La Ley de Seguridad Nacional no puede reducirse a un asunto militar. Asumida así es y será siempre un absurdo. La ciudadanía no tiene por qué seguir pagando el costo de la inercia e inoperancia del Congreso y sus tiempos convertido en chantaje administrativo y banal cálculo político. ¿Por qué los partidos enajenan su visión, impiden la reforma política y bloquean los instrumentos legales que permitan a la ciudadanía una representación digna y eficiente que controle todo tipo de abusos? ¿Por qué en ella no se ha incluido la revocación del mandato ni el plebiscito?

Estos casos -hay cientos de la misma o de mayor gravedad- ponen en evidencia que los partidos políticos, el PAN, el PRI, el PRD, el PT, Convergencia, Nueva Alianza, el Panal, el Verde, se han convertido en una partidocracia de cuyas filas emanan los dirigentes de la nación. En todos ellos hay vínculos con el crimen y sus mafias a lo largo y ancho de la nación. Sin una limpieza honorable de sus filas y un compromiso total con la ética política, los ciudadanos tendremos que preguntarnos en las próximas elecciones ¿por qué cártel y por qué poder fáctico tendremos que votar? ¿No se dan cuenta de que con ello están horadando y humillando lo más sagrado de nuestras instituciones republicanas, que están destruyendo la voluntad popular que mal que bien los llevó a donde hoy se encuentran?

Los partidos políticos debilitan nuestras instituciones republicanas, las vuelven vulnerables ante el crimen organizado y sumisas ante los grandes monopolios; hacen de la impunidad un modus vivendi y convierten a la ciudadanía en rehén de la violencia imperante.
Ante el avance del hampa vinculada con el narcotráfico, el Poder Ejecutivo asume, junto con la mayoría de la mal llamada clase política, que hay sólo dos formas de enfrentar esa amenaza: administrándola ilegalmente como solía hacerse y se hace en muchos lugares o haciéndole la guerra con el ejército en las calles como sucede hoy. Se ignora que la droga es un fenómeno histórico que, descontextualizado del mundo religioso al que servía, y sometido ahora al mercado y sus consumos, debió y debe ser tratado como un problema de sociología urbana y de salud pública, y no como un asunto criminal que debe enfrentarse con la violencia. Con ello se suma más sufrimiento a una sociedad donde se exalta el éxito, el dinero y el poder como premisas absolutas que deben conquistarse por cualquier medio y a cualquier precio.
Este clima ha sido tierra fértil para el crimen que se ha convertido en cobros de piso, secuestros, robos, tráfico de personas y en complejas empresas para delinquir y apropiarse del absurdo modelo económico de tener siempre más a costa de todos.

A esto, ya de por sí terrible, se agrega la política norteamericana. Su mercado millonario del consumo de la droga, sus bancos y empresas que lavan dinero, con la complicidad de los nuestros, y su industria armamentista -más letal, por contundente y expansiva, que las drogas-, cuyas armas llegan a nuestras tierras, no sólo fortalecen el crecimiento de los grupos criminales, sino que también los proveen de una capacidad inmensa de muerte. Los Estados Unidos han diseñado una política de seguridad cuya lógica responde fundamentalmente a sus intereses globales donde México ha quedado atrapado.

¿Como reestructurar esta realidad que nos ha puesto en un estado de emergencia nacional? Es un desafío más que complejo. Pero México no puede seguir simplificándolo y menos permitir que esto ahonde más sus divisiones internas y nos fracture hasta hacer casi inaudibles el latido de nuestros corazones que es el latido de la nación. Por eso les decimos que es urgente que los ciudadanos, los gobiernos de los tres órdenes, los partidos políticos, los campesinos, los obreros, los indios, los académicos, los intelectuales, los artistas, las Iglesias, los empresarios, las organizaciones civiles, hagamos un pacto, es decir, un compromiso fundamental de paz con justicia y dignidad, que le permita a la nación rehacer su suelo, un pacto en el que reconozcamos y asumamos nuestras diversas responsabilidades, un pacto que le permita a nuestros muchachos, a nuestras muchachas y a nuestros niños recuperar su presente y su futuro, para que dejen de ser las víctimas de esta guerra o el ejército de reserva de la delincuencia.

Por ello, es necesario que todos los gobernantes y las fuerzas políticas de este país se den cuenta que están perdiendo la representación de la nación que emana del pueblo, es decir, de los ciudadanos como los que hoy estamos reunidos en el zócalo de la Ciudad de México y en otras ciudades del país.

Si no lo hacen, y se empeñan en su ceguera, no sólo las instituciones quedarán vacías de sentido y de dignidad, sino que las elecciones de 2012 serán las de la ignominia, una ignominia que hará más profundas las fosas en donde, como en Tamaulipas y Durango, están enterrando la vida del país.

Estamos, pues, ante una encrucijada sin salidas fáciles, porque el suelo en el que una nación florece y el tejido en el que su alma se expresa están deshechos. Por ello, el pacto al que convocamos después de recoger muchas propuestas de la sociedad civil, y que en unos momentos leerá Olga Reyes, que ha sufrido el asesinato de 6 familiares, es un pacto que contiene seis puntos fundamentales que permitirán a la sociedad civil hacer un seguimiento puntual de su cumplimiento y, en el caso de traicionarse, penalizar a quienes sean responsables de esas traiciones; un pacto que se firmará en el Centro de Ciudad Juárez -el rostro más visible de la destrucción nacional- de cara a los nombres de nuestros muertos y lleno de un profundo sentido de lo que una paz digna significa.

Antes de darlo a conocer, hagamos un silencio más de 5 minutos en memoria de nuestros muertos, de la sociedad cercada por la delincuencia y un Estado omiso, y como una señal de la unidad y de la dignidad de nuestros corazones que llama a todos a refundar la Nación. Hagámoslo así porque el silencio es el lugar en donde se recoge y brota la palabra verdadera, es la hondura profunda del sentido, es lo que nos hermana en medio de nuestros dolores, es esa tierra interior y común que nadie tiene en propiedad y de la que, si sabemos escuchar, puede nacer la palabra que nos permita decir otra vez con dignidad y una paz justa el nombre de nuestra casa: México.

Committee of Indigenous Solidarity (CIS)

Mexico Week In Review: 05.01-05.08

Published since 1994, ‘Mexico Week In Review’ is a service of the
Committee of Indigenous Solidarity (CIS).  CIS is a Washington, D.C.
based activist group committed to the ongoing struggles of Indigenous
peoples in the Americas.  CIS is actively supporting the struggles
of the Indigenous peoples of Mexico while simultaneously combating
related structures of oppression within our own communities.

To view newsletter archives, visit:

“Para Todos, Todo; Para Nosotros Nada”


As momentum builds for the May 8 protest against violence and impunity in Mexico, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) announced its support for the movement started by poet Javier Sicilia. In a communiqué dated April 28, the EZLN leadership declared it would wholeheartedly support the struggle by conducting a silent march of Zapatista base communities in the Chiapas highland city of San Cristobal de las Casas on May 7. In a pronouncement signed by the Zapatistas Subcomandante Marcos, the EZLN said it would terminate the march with readings of statements in Spanish and indigenous languages.

The Zapatistas sharply condemned the Mexican government’s anti-organized crime strategy as a “psychotic military campaign by Felipe Calderon Hinojosa”: that has turned into a “totalitarian argument” for spreading fear across the nation. In response to Sicilia’s earlier call to place name plaques of victims of
violence in public plazas, the Zapatista statement mentioned the names of 15 people killed in the Ciudad Juarez neighborhood of Villas de Salvarcar in 2010 and the 40 children who perished in the notorious ABC day care center fire in Hermosillo, Sonora, in 2009.

The EZLN also urged its supporters in Mexico and throughout the world to support the movement launched by Sicilia and supporters last month, which arose after the poet’s son and companions were murdered in Cuernavaca, Morelos, by an apparent organized crime group. Until this year, the Zapatistas had been largely silent on the so-called drug war that’s ravaged Mexico during the past few years.

Backed by prominent public figures like Eduardo Gallo, former president of Mexico United against Delinquency, and Malu Garcia, persecuted activist with the anti-femicide group Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa of Ciudad Juarez, Sicilia and friends plan to begin a silent march from Cuernavaca on May 5 and then arrive in Mexico City for a massive rally the following Sunday. In the heart of the Mexican capital, the activists are expected to call for the signing of a national reconstruction pact at an undetermined time in Ciudad Juarez.

In addition to the main protest in Mexico City, similar events are expected to take place May 8 in more than 40 Mexican cities and  at least 20 foreign ones. Father Alejandro Solalinde, well-known Oaxaca migrant advocate, called the May 8 mobilization the best chance Mexico has had to “remake a country that’s going to the pits and put an end to violence, corruption and impunity/”

Sources: Frontera NorteSur: 05/03; Proceso: 04/30


Mexican president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa’s militarization of the fight against drug trafficking has increased the level of violence against women, a leading Mexican feminist, María Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos, told the Spanish wire service EFE on Apr. 29. “Everything that is happening favors violence against women,” she said. Calderón’s strategy “cultivates a very violent culture” and “establishes an ideology of violence, of defeat, of warŠ That’s a very macho culture, very misogynist, and we women are left defenseless.”

A member of the Chamber of Deputies for the center-left Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) from 2003 to 2006 and now a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Lagarde is part of the movement to have femicide (misogynist murders) categorized as a special crime, not simply as murder or a hate crime.

Ciudad Juárez, near the US border in the northern state of Chihuahua, is one of the places that have suffered the most from femicide and from Calderón’s “drug war,” which has claimed some 35,000 lives since the beginning of 2007. In March this year the Geneva-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) reported that nationally some 230,000 people had been displaced by drug-related violence. A new report by María del Socorro Velázquez Vargas, a researcher at the Autonomous University of Ciudad  Juárez, gives an even higher number.

Using a survey by Juárez’s municipal government and statistics from Chihuahua’s State Investigation Agency and the federal government’s National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI), Velázquez Vargas estimates that 273,000 people were displaced during 2008, 2009 and 2010 in Juárez alone-a full 21% of the municipality’s population.

Source: Weekly News Update on the Americas Issue #1078: 05/01


The drug-war death toll for Mexico in April was 1,400, the highest of any month since the Mexican government began its war on illicit drug trade four years ago. The previous high was 1,322 in August 2010, the daily newspaper Milenio reported.

Most of the murders in April occurred in northern Mexico, reflecting the trend of recent months as drug cartels battle each other over drug and migrant routes. An estimated 450 of the dead were found in mass graves, where the cartels try to conceal their grisly harvests. Most of those victims were migrants from countries south of Mexico who were trying to get into the United States. Organized gangs specialize in kidnapping the migrants and forcing them to turn over their money and work for them, or face death. In 2010, more than 15,000 people were murdered in Mexico.

Source: Boston Herald: 05/01


The Mexican government extradited to the United States drug kingpin Benjamin Arellano Felix, the former leader of one of Mexico’s most feared and powerful organized crime groups, whose ruthless reign transformed northern Baja California into a major drug trafficking corridor into the U.S. Arellano Felix, who had been incarcerated in a Mexican prison since his arrest in 2002, was flown to San Diego and transferred to the downtown Metropolitan Correctional Center, where he will be held under heightened security during court proceedings that are expected to last months, and possibly years.

The extradition marks the end of a long effort by U.S. authorities to get Arellano Felix into a U.S. courtroom. He faces racketeering and drug conspiracy charges as part of a San Diego federal grand jury indictment that has already led to the arrests and convictions of several of his brothers and associates from the cartel’s heyday during the 1980s and ’90s. Arellano Felix, who headed the organization known as the Arellano Felix, or Tijuana cartel, was among the first of Mexico’s modern organized crime bosses. With connections to Colombia, he and his brothers established a drug pipeline that funneled tons of cocaine and other drugs into California, according to the indictment.

Authorities allege the cartel generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, using the money to bribe Mexican military and law enforcement officials and to purchase weapons that enforcers would use to torture and kill enemies in Mexico and the San Diego area. The effects of Arellano Felix’s iron-fisted rule are felt to this day. Many families in Baja California are still searching for the whereabouts of people who disappeared during his years in power. The cartel popularized the use of chemicals to dispose of enemies, disintegrating bodies by dumping them into vats of lye and acid. “The Arellano Felix organization has spread fear and violence on both sides of the border, and today’s extradition is an important step forward in our effort to hold the alleged leaders of this criminal enterprise to account,” said U.S. Assistant Atty. Gen. Lanny A. Breuer.

Many observers doubt the case will ever get to trial, noting that every other defendant has pleaded guilty. If he cooperates with prosecutors, Arellano Felix could shed light on the deaths of numerous potential witnesses and a crusading Mexican prosecutor whose head was crushed in an industrial press. He could also implicate people the cartel bribed, said John Kirby, a former federal prosecutor who worked on the case. “It shows they’re serious,” Kirby said, referring to the administration of Mexican President Felipe Calderon. Arellano Felix “could spill the beans on everybody. He had dealings with the highest levels of government, and in the church, in the military.” The extradition comes at a time of tense relations between the U.S. and Mexico, strained in part by leaked diplomatic cables that contained pointed criticisms by U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Carlos Pascual of the Mexican government’s drug-war efforts. Calderon complained vociferously about Pascual’s assessments, and Pascual offered his resignation in March.

Samuel Gonzalez, a former top organized crime prosecutor, said the extradition came as U.S. and Mexican officials were meeting in Washington to discuss the Merida Initiative, a package of U.S. aid for the drug war. At the State Department on Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted her Mexican counterpart, Patricia Espinosa, at the third gathering of the Merida Initiative High-Level Consultative Group. “It’s a gift from Mexico,” Gonzalez said of the extradition. “This is a way for Mexico to show its good intentions.”

With most of its original leaders either arrested or dead, the cartel has splintered into rival factions in recent years, leading to brutal infighting that has all but wiped out the once-powerful group. Arellano Felix’s brother, Javier, was captured on a boat off Baja California in 2006 and sentenced to life in prison. Another brother, Ramon, the cartel’s notorious enforcer, was gunned down in Mazatlan in 2002.

Source: Los Angeles Times: 04/30

The above articles were originally published and copyrighted by the
listed sources. These articles are offered for educational purposes
which CIS maintains is  ‘fair use’ of copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

end: Mexico Week In Review: 05.01-05.08

Narco News

Zapatistas Flood San Cristóbal by the Thousands, Join Call to Stop the War

Source: Narco News

Saturday’s Silent March in Chiapas Was Prelude to Sunday’s Convergence on Mexico City

By Natalie Long
Special to the Narco News Bulletin

May 8, 2011

On Saturday the Zapatistas, The Other Campaign, and members of the civil society of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas took to the streets, conducting a silent march that proceeded from the northwestern part of the city to the town center.

With participants numbering in the thousands, this march was held in solidarity with a larger, nationwide march that is currently taking place. The nationwide march started in Cuernavaca, Morelos this past Thursday, March 5, and will arrive Sunday in Mexico City.

DR 2011 Gerardo Ozuna

The larger nation-wide march is largely due to the efforts of renowned Mexican poet Javier Sicilia. This past March 28, Sicilia’s son was found dead near Cuernavaca, Morelos, with the body showing signs of torture prior to his death. Roughly a week after his son’s death, Sicilia published a letter in the Mexican magazine Proceso on April 3, denouncing the system of violence in Mexico. In this letter, Sicilia stated that Mexicans were “hasta la madre” (“had it up to here”) with the violence and corruption present in their country, and he called for the mobilization of civil society to reclaim Mexico for its citizens. His most recent call for mobilization is that of the ongoing march, also known as the Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity.

Following Sicilia’s convoking of this march, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) released a communiqué on Thursday, April 28, announcing its intent to hold a silent march on Saturday, May 7, in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. In a letter from Subcomandante Marcos released on the same day as the communiqué, he noted that financial constraints meant it would not be possible for the EZLN to travel to Cuernavaca or to Mexico City to participate in the larger nationwide march. Thus, in accordance with the modest means available to the EZLN, Subcomandante Marcos announced the EZLN’s intention to march in silence in San Cristóbal. The EZLN communiqué further indicated that this silent march would be to support and stand in solidarity with the national voice that seeks to reclaim justice for the people.

Thus, Saturday saw the gathering of the EZLN and its supporters in San Cristóbal de las Casas. By 10:00am, a large contingent of Zapatistas was lined up outside of CIDECI, the Indigenous Center for Integral Training, also known as the University of the Land. When arriving on the street that leads to CIDECI, one had to travel by foot to cover the 10-minute walk from the end of the street to the university, given that the street was filled with masked Zapatistas, prohibiting the passage of vehicles.

The Zapatistas came from all parts of the state of Chiapas. Various regions were represented, not only by the traditional outfits of the women, but by the symbols sewn onto the pasa montañas worn by members of the EZLN. On the front of the majority of the pasa montañas, a patch identified a person’s caracol by number and a person’s region by color. The different colors of the patches included red, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white, grey, and green, amongst others.

DR 2011 Gerardo Ozuna

By 12:15pm, the Zapatistas began lining up outside of CIDECI, preparing to file out. The Zapatistas included the entire age spectrum, from children being carried by their mothers to senior citizens with gray hair poking out from beneath their masks. The women seemed to outnumber the men two to one. The Zapatistas also showed representation from both urban and rural areas. Rural female Zapatistas were easily identified by their traditional trajes, or, dresses that many wore. Some of the women were present at the march despite the absence of shoes on their feet. Many of the rural male Zapatistas bore the usual dress of the campesino, including rainboots, long-sleeve cotton shirts and cotton pants. Some of the men had traditional outfits as well, though not as many as the women. The urban Zapatista contingent provided a curious contrast, perhaps best exemplified by one young woman wearing large headphones over her pasa montaña. Other urban Zapatistas sported tighter shirts and jeans, items that are more familiar to those living in an urban setting with access to retail stores.

At approximately 1:10pm, a woman at the head of the march wearing a pasa montaña received an order through her radio, and ordered those at the beginning of the march to file out. It seemed that the march was underway, the masked EZLN members walking silently in their ranks bearing their signs with phrases such as “Estamos Hasta la Madre por la Guerra de Calderon!” (“We Have Had it Up to Here with Calderon’s War!”), “Alto a la Guerra de Calderon” (“Stop Calderon’s War”), and “No Mas Sangre” (“No More Blood”).

By 1:25pm, however, the march had stopped. The silence was broken by the chatter of radios as those at the head of the march worked to orient themselves inside of the colony from which the march was supposed to exit. As those with the radios consulted one another, people from nearby houses, stores, and workshops came out to look at the halted procession of masked Zapatistas. After roughly ten minutes of conversation, the march got underway once more, proceeding down a street in the direction of the highway to San Juan Chamula.

The column was met by yet another challenge, however, before it was to exit onto the highway. Around roughly 1:35pm, the head of the march met up with another group of Zapatistas – it seemed that the head of the march had met with the tail of the march. On the one hand, that was an impressive occurrence, showing that the Zapatistas had convoked so many people that the streets were not navigable. On the other hand, this caused general confusion, with the roads being blocked up. The head of the march could not proceed with their fellow members impeding their path, and thus had to patiently wait for the rest of their compañeros to file by. By 2:00pm, the conch shell was blown once more and the head of the march proceeded a ways further. This progress was stopped short once more as the head of the march ran into more Zapatistas coming in their direction.

With this new obstacle, roughly five or six authorities gathered around to confer. Radios in hand, they stood in the middle of a circle created by men joining hands, creating a protective space for the authorities to speak and make decisions. As the authorities spoke softly amongst themselves and into their radios, the ranks of Zapatistas watched and waited patiently for their orders.

Throughout the whole process, various actions served to remind the onlooker that indeed, the EZLN is an army, and should be regarded as such. Between the quick response to marching orders given by the authorities, the organized lines in which the Zapatistas proceeded, and the clear chain of command that was present, the bystander was obligated to remember that the procession passing by was that of a military organization, able to be summoned if necessary by the heads of the EZLN.

By 2:35pm, the Zapatistas had reached a consensus about how to proceed, and the march began orienting itself. First the EZLN authorities proceeded down the road, with other Zapatistas joining hands to form a protective circle around the authorities. Immediately behind the authorities came the head of the march, bearing their banner decrying Calderon’s War. The procession snaked its way through the jungle of cars and trucks parked on the sides of the road, the very vehicles that had delivered members of the EZLN to that part of town earlier on. Some Zapatistas remained on the side of the road, waiting for their moment to join the march. Many of those waiting had set up camp, pulling out their lunches as their compañeros marched by.

By 2:55pm, the march met the highway that leads to the center of town in one direction, while leading to the municipality of San Juan Chamula in the other direction. As the EZLN met the oncoming cars, the Zapatistas spilled out onto the street stopping traffic. Some cars simply came to a stop, while others began turning around. As the march proceeded through the streets, the sounds predominantly heard were a mixture of protesting car horns, the slapping of sandals and boots on the asphalt pavement, and the eerie sounding of a conch shell. The occasional comment was shared between marchers, but overall the Zapatistas remained silent as they proceeded down the highway to the center of town. As luck would have it, upon arriving at a streetlight, the EZLN had a green light and proceeded through the intersection unimpeded.

With the march in full force proceeding through the street toward the center of town, it was led first by a group of several men with radios, followed by the Mexican flag and the EZLN flag. One man and one woman bore the Mexican flag, as did a male-female team bearing the EZLN flag.

At 3:45pm, the head of the march arrived at the town center, greeted by a variety of onlookers, including waiters peering out from restaurants, tourists snapping photos, and locals standing by watching the march pass through the center. Patrons at nearby coffee shops put down their mugs to come watch the Zapatistas march by, some commenting quietly that the sight was impressive. By 3:50pm, the EZLN began filing into the plaza in front of the main cathedral in the city, heading for a stage on which several microphones were set up. The speech, however, was not yet ready to begin.

During the wait, many Zapatistas sat down to take a short break, pulling back masks to grab a quick drink of water or soda, some running to the nearby convenience store, masks still on, to pick up a snack. Conversations began quietly to circulate amongst those sitting together, some conversations in Spanish, others in various indigenous languages.

Although the initial movements of the march were perhaps a bit rough, upon arrival in the cathedral plaza, the EZLN showed impressive organization, coordinating which delegations were to be placed in certain locations in preparation for the speech. Around 4:45pm, the march continued to arrive in the plaza. A representative of the EZLN came to the microphone, asking the Zapatistas already in the plaza to move forward, since there were compañeros backed up for nearly 20 minutes who had not yet arrived.

By 5:05pm, the members of The Other Campaign finally arrived at the plaza. Delegations arrived from a whole host of communities, perhaps the most visible being Cruztón, Mitzitón, the Ejido Tila, Huixtan, and Bachajón. Other members of civil society were represented as well, including members of the Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolemé de Las Casas (Center of Human Rights FrayBa), the Centro de Derechos de las Mujeres (Center of Rights for Women), and the Brigada Feminista por la Autonomia (Feminist Brigade for Autonomy). Although an important sign of solidarity, the Zapatista presence by far dominated the entire event.

For the women of the collectives from the communities of Aguacatengango, La Grandeza, Napite, Corostik, Coquiteel, Sulupwitz, Frontera Comalapa, Santa Rosa de Coban, Yaluma, Chihuahua, and Bella Vista del Norte, they provided their word and their reason for marching. Recognizing the sorrow they feel and the tears they shed when they hear news of violence, the women also noted the courage they feel in defending themselves against the rapes and murders perpetrated by those whom the government allows to go free. The women spoke out against violence, not only in the form of weapons, but in the inherent violence present in sentencing a population to poverty, saying the government “not only murders us with weapons, with its guns, it also murders us with poverty, with the hunger in our village that they use to cheat us with. . . .” The women then called for justice, an end to violence, for respect, and liberty for the Mother Earth, amongst other demands to society and to the government.

The FrayBa also provided its word to the public regarding the march. Protesting President Felipe Calderon’s politics of war that has claimed the lives of nearly 40,000 victims, the FrayBa noted that impunity was the key to continuing this climate of violence. The FrayBa signaled the march as sign of the hope for life and for the demand of justice as civil society strives to achieve a dignified life for all.

Amongst those Zapatista sympathizers participating in the march, one in particular commented that the nation-wide march was a necessary event that the country had been awaiting. The EZLN march was a promise given by the Zapatistas that they had fulfilled, making good on their word to those participating in the larger movement.

After over an hour since the head of the march arrived in the plaza, at 5:10pm the EZLN authorities took to the stage. Calling the assembly to a salute, the crowd first sang the Mexican national anthem, followed by the EZLN anthem. Hardly surprising, the EZLN anthem resounded a bit more forcefully than the national anthem. Upon completing both anthems, a representative stepped up to the microphone to provide those gathered with the word of the EZLN.

The representative who spoke condemned the violence present in Mexico, stating that the history of Mexico has resulted in the spilling of innocent blood, and that peace and justice are nowhere to be found in the country. The speaker decried the fact that “the only guilt of these victims is to have been born or to live in a country that is misgoverned by legal and illegal groups thirsty for war, death, and destruction.” He denounced the converting of schools and universities into zones of war, and the overall state of fear for one’s life that is present in the simple act of traveling to work. Further, the speaker criticized the government, whom he stated as having provided false declarations and promises to the mothers and fathers who demanded justice on behalf of their murdered children. Yesterday, declared the speaker, was when the people of Mexico heard the dignified words of the victims and their families. Today is the day of their dignified silence, a silence that states, just as loudly as their words, that they want peace, justice, and a dignified life. The struggle of these victims and their families was not born of personal interest, but was rather “born of the pain of losing someone whom you love as much as you love life.” Reaching the end of the speech, the orator declared that today, the people who convoked the nation-wide movement are calling for those gathered to fight for life, and that the people gathered in the city today were there to respond to that call.

Wrapping up the speech, the representative and the crowd raised their fists and shouted seven times, sending a message of solidarity to the victims and their families, saying, “No estan solos!” (” You are not alone!”).

At 5:45pm, the Spanish presentation concluded and was followed by cheers, applause, and approving whistles. The same speech was then presented in various indigenous languages, including Tzotzil and Tzeltal. Around 7:00pm, nearly three hours after the head of the march arrived in the center of town, the EZLN authorities descended from the stage, bringing the assembly to a close. With the close of the ceremony, the silence was officially broken, as chatter arose amongst the Zapatistas as they filed out according to their groups. Despite having taken the better part of the day to assemble the members of the EZLN and its supporters in the plaza, within thirty minutes there was not a mask to be seen in the center of town. The cleanup crews went to work, and the members of the communities set out for home, taking word of their experiences back with them.

KMN, imágenes en movimiento

Video sobre ma movilización zapatista en apoyo marcha nacional por la paz y la justicia

On April 28, 2011, the EZLN declared with a communiqué that it would participate on May 7 in the Silent March for Peace, called for by the poet Javier Sicilia. On May 7 in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, tens of thousands of Zapatista bases of support, together with communities, organizations and individuals adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, marched to the Plaza of Resistance in front of the San Cristóbal Cathedral. Comanders of the EZLN read a speech sent by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos for the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the EZLN.

(Listen to and read the full speech here.)